Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Numerology: Personal Year

Yesterday I wrote briefly on the Universal Year, which is found by adding the numbers of the current year. 2012 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 5. The Universal Number for the year 2012 is 5.

There are Univeral Numbers for each year, month and day. There are also Personal Numbers for each year, month and day. I find it interesting to figure these numbers, and then observe through the year what happens, and how it might correspond to the number vibrations of those periods. I always recommend that people journal their lives, or at least make note of significant events or experiences in one's life. You can figure the numerolgy of your whole life, and then see under which number vibrations those significant life events or time periods those events occurred.

To find your Personal Year Number, you add the month and day of your birth to the current Universal Year.

Choose a birth month and day:
1(Jan) + 12 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4

then add that number to the Universal Year number:
4 + 5 = 9

The person with this birth month and day has a Personal Year of 4.

All right, I really just jumped in here, without much information to go on. I'm writing this because I am thinking about this lately, so here it is. I realize I have not said much about all the meanings of all the numbers. It does take some looking into to understand better.

I love numerology because numbers can be seen as Symbols, and Symbols can be Keys to open us to ourselves and our true nature, and tune us into our Soul's Path. Meditation upon a Symbol can be a powerful tool for self knowledge, and a way to come to terms with aspects of ourselves and life that we don't like or don't understand. If we learn to see the challenges as a part of our path, and own them, and receive the teachings of the lessons, it can bring about a sense of peace, empowerment and the centering feeling that we are in our rightful place in Life.

Here are a few websites that have some decent basics on numerology:

Cafe Astrology: Numerology Basics
Decoz.com Numerology Software

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